5 good skincare habits. Check them out!

5 good skincare habits. Check them out!

Hey girls!

I know that you enjoy reading all kinds of beauty tips and beauty hacks because you want to know how to improve the hair and skin’s appearance without making any nasty boo-boo. Sometimes less equals more, and this approach should be incorporated into daily beauty regimen.

The best ideas for impeccable skin – PROVEN!

I’m not the only one who tested and tried the tricks I’m going to list below in a moment. Many bloggers and vloggers, beauticians and dermatologists treat these ideas really seriously and keep emphasizing their immense importance to their readers/viewers/clients/patients. Without further ado – let me show you five proven tips to get lusciousĀ and impeccable skin.

1. Natural vegetable oils

Aren’t you convinced whether application of greasy vegetable oils to the face is a good idea? Do you think that these nutrient-rich and dense substances cause skin breakouts and blackheads? I hate to break it to you but people thinking this way couldn’t be further from the truth. All you have to do is match a particular oil with your skin type and that’s all. There is a group of vegetable oils that serve oily skin best, they are even able to balance sebum production and cure acne! Obviously, there is also a group of natural oils that soothe and, in general, work best for dry skin. Okay but what should you do if you aren’t sure what type your skin is. Well, I’ve got a solution for this as well. Grab a high quality argan oil or jojoba oil. Both of them suit all skin types just perfectly. There’s just one thing I’d like you to bear in mind: no matter the oil you choose for your skin treatment, please always make sure that it’s cold-pressed, unrefined and certified.

2. Hydration: The basics of the basics

I guess it wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I said that one of the biggest lies that circulates in the realm of beauty and personal care is that only dry and dehydrated skin needs moisturizing. This is so untrue, girls, so untrue. All skin types, literally all of them, need to be replenished with water on a daily basis. Even if your skin is oily, you just have to make sure it receives a sufficient portion of hydration a day. Actually, if you keep dehydrating oily skin, you will encourage more sebum. Why is that? Because when you strip oily skin off the protective lipid coating, it “recognizes” this as an attack. Therefore, in order to protect itself from the possible damage, the skin starts secreting even more sebum than it normally would. Can you see now how simple this mechanism is?

3. Quick makeup removal has nothing in common with deep skin cleansing

I used to do exactly the same thing, I wasn’t that wise back then. Basically, I used to take makeup off using just a micellar lotion and that was pretty it, I couldn’t care less about other skin treatments. Then I just applied a face cream (but not always, sometimes I didn’t have enough time). Today I know that it was a huge mistake of mine. A massive mistake! I learned that even though micelles are able to attract dirt and toxins, they just have to be removed from the face together with the grime they caught. Otherwise, they keep attracting all the impurities from the air and hold them on our skin’s surface. Such skin treatment doesn’t make any sense, does it? Therefore, once you apply a micellar lotion to the face, remember to always remove it with some cleanser. This can be a gel, foam or oils (oil cleansing method).

4. Skin toner as your new best friend

How often do you reach for a skin toner in your beauty routine? Do you even have it at home? Indeed, for some unknown reason (at least for me) skin toner has become unsung, hence not many of us have it in the bathroom. And this is another mistake, again a massive one! Why so? Because skin toner (or tonic) is one of the coolest skincare products! It balances skin’s pH. This basic product makes skin more acidic, which is the natural pH level of the dermis. Sadly, the vast majority of skincare products is alcainic which disturbs the skin and creates a perfect environment for bacteria to multiply. And when bacteria multiplies, acne and breakouts appear. This is the very reason that makes a skin toner an essential element of beauty routine. Always wipe the face with skin toner after cleansing the skin/removing makeup. It takes just a few seconds but the benefits are overwhelming!

5. UV and anti-pollution protection

And this is the last but definitely not least of the important issues that have to be discussed while talking about flawless complexion – the skin protection. Every single day your skin is exposed to the serious aggressors: urban pollution, free radicals, contaminants, etc. Obviously, the sunlight (UVA and UVB in particular) is the worst. The radiation triggers the majority of blemishes: wrinkles, dryness, irritations and even pigmentation. Shield your skin from photo-ageing! Don’t refrain from using SPF creams on a daily basis because they will keep you protected both from the UV rays and the pollution.